Monday, December 28, 2009

Well, it's over....

Another Christmas come and gone...can't believe how fast the last yea has gone by! Christmas was great for us. Josh let us sleep in until about 7 so that was good. After all the gifts were opened, we loaded everything up in my truck and headed to my mom and dad's house for more gifts and dinner. Yum! It was a great day for us all! I love being able to spend time with my family. Amber, Nate & Desi and Adam came up also. It was wonderful being able to spend some of Christmas with them, too. We did see Ty & Ashly later that night when they stopped by on their way home from their daily adventure. Carter & Jaxson were asleep so we didn't get to see them open their gifts but I'm sure they loved them.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Where does the time go? I can't believe I haven't been here in such a long time!

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and it was great! Most everyone from Marlin's family was able to make it to Robert's (his brother) house in Alpine. We were all fat & happy when all was said and done. It was great to see everyone and be able to spend some time with them all. Thanks to everyone who helped to make it such a special holiday!

Marlin's father-in-law passed away earlier that week so along with Thanksgiving we all gathered to pass along our final farewells as he left this world and joined Arlene in Heaven. We will all miss you, Marcus!

After the funeral we drove up to Layton for an extended family wedding reception. It was all beautiful and I'm so glad we were invited!

Josh has been busy in the pool, too. He now has 2 "B" times. That means that there are certain times that you have to have to be able to swim at the Invitational meets or the B/C meets. Up till now he has had to swim in the B/C meets but he will be able to swim in Invitational meets for the 2 events that he now has! Yahoo! He's getting ever so close to those State cuts!

I am just busy trying to get ready for Christmas & keep my sanity. I now have 7 months smoke-free so I guess the sanity would be long gone by now if it was gonna go. Guess I'm stuck with it!