Monday, October 27, 2008


What a month!

Well, it seems like it's been forever since I posted last. So much has been happening and I can't believe the month is almost over!

Well, I have managed to celebrate another birthday. It was the big 4-0 this year (doesn't feel that old though). We had a b-b-q at our house and everyone was able to make it! I just love it when the whole family can come together!

We just spent the weekend in St. George. We went down to help clean out Grammy's condo and get it ready for Jenny and the girls to move into. Kind of hard to be there knowing that Arlene's not there anymore. We had a suprise party for Paulene, too. She had NO idea! It was great to see her face when she walked into her house!

We also stopped by and saw Marcus at the Assisted Living home where he's at. I need to do a much better job of staying in touch with him.

We went and saw the production of Thriller at Tuachan Ampitheater. Josh and I really enjoyed it. Josh now wants the song downloaded onto his I-Pod and he wanted to know if we could buy the DVD of it. I doubt they have it on DVD but I told him I would check into it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Josh is now a Life Scout

Well, the boy is sure moving up in the world fast! Just last Tues. night he received his Life from Scouts! Eagle is the only thing he has left! I can't believe it!

Things are just about the same for me. Day at work, rush home, rush to swim practice, rush home, go to gym, eat dinner, go to bed on some days-the others are the same except I don't go to the gym. I still have 10 lbs. till I get to my goal weight so I should probably be doing the gym more but oh well. I'll get there eventually. Of course, my birthday is coming so I know it won't be happening any time too soon. We are getting ready to do a "Maintain-Don't Gain" at work over the holidays. Should be fun. There's about 7 people in my dept. doing it so I know I won't be alone.

Marlin has been working on an addition over in Orem. I'm just glad that he hasn't slowed down even though our economy has. It seems there are still people who have money to spend. Thank heavens for that. Sure is having a hard time with it, though. Can't seem to find good help these days. Hard to keep the customer happy when the project doesn't seem to be moving forward.

OH! I also got a new dog. She's a little Pomeranian and her name is Trixy. She's a little cutie but she's an instigator. Her and Cookie play fight with each other all the time. I'll will be posting some pix on Sat., I hope.