Monday, December 28, 2009

Well, it's over....

Another Christmas come and gone...can't believe how fast the last yea has gone by! Christmas was great for us. Josh let us sleep in until about 7 so that was good. After all the gifts were opened, we loaded everything up in my truck and headed to my mom and dad's house for more gifts and dinner. Yum! It was a great day for us all! I love being able to spend time with my family. Amber, Nate & Desi and Adam came up also. It was wonderful being able to spend some of Christmas with them, too. We did see Ty & Ashly later that night when they stopped by on their way home from their daily adventure. Carter & Jaxson were asleep so we didn't get to see them open their gifts but I'm sure they loved them.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Where does the time go? I can't believe I haven't been here in such a long time!

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and it was great! Most everyone from Marlin's family was able to make it to Robert's (his brother) house in Alpine. We were all fat & happy when all was said and done. It was great to see everyone and be able to spend some time with them all. Thanks to everyone who helped to make it such a special holiday!

Marlin's father-in-law passed away earlier that week so along with Thanksgiving we all gathered to pass along our final farewells as he left this world and joined Arlene in Heaven. We will all miss you, Marcus!

After the funeral we drove up to Layton for an extended family wedding reception. It was all beautiful and I'm so glad we were invited!

Josh has been busy in the pool, too. He now has 2 "B" times. That means that there are certain times that you have to have to be able to swim at the Invitational meets or the B/C meets. Up till now he has had to swim in the B/C meets but he will be able to swim in Invitational meets for the 2 events that he now has! Yahoo! He's getting ever so close to those State cuts!

I am just busy trying to get ready for Christmas & keep my sanity. I now have 7 months smoke-free so I guess the sanity would be long gone by now if it was gonna go. Guess I'm stuck with it!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

6 months smoke free!!!

Just a quick post - I am 6 months smoke free today!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Truck set him back

Talked to Marlin the other day and he informed me that I needed to get another job to help pay for his truck that he managed to wreck.

From what I could gather the story goes like this--they were in his truck headed back up to the cabin and he was trying to avoid potholes and ruts in the dirt road, hit some gravel on the side of the road and ran into a tree stump effectively knocking out his front right tire. The truck had to be towed into town and is estimated to be $7800 worth of damage. Thanks heavens for car insurance! We only have to pay the deductible and hopefully the premiums won't be going up. Apparently it's going to take 3 weeks to get it fixed so Marlin's plan is to finish the work on the cabin and then rent a truck to come home. Then when it's fixed he'll have to go back up to get it.

So, instead of being home this weekend, we're looking at maybe Weds. or Thurs., depending on how things go the next couple of days.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is he coming home?

Talked to Marlin on Sat. and he tells me that he thinks he may be heading home next weekend! I'm not holding my breath cause it's still a week away but that's better than hearing, "Two more weeks." He says that things seem to finally be coming together and the weather has been helping them out so they've been able to get things done - finally.

The only bad thing about him coming home is the fact that I still haven't gotten the things done that I wanted to. Well, I guess they're not going anywhere so I'll just have to find the time somewhere else. I guess I need to quit reading books while Josh is at swim practice and start working on that "stuff".

Better go eat before it's cold.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Last weekend

Marlin is back in Montana after spending a couple of weeks in Idaho with Lynn. Hopefully he'll be home in a couple more weeks. What a long time it seems like he's been gone this year.

I haven't, of course, gotten any of the stuff done that I wanted to get done since Marlin's been gone. That doesn't surprise me, though. I never seem to get the stuff done then I resolve to get it done next time he's gone. Etc, etc, etc.

Josh spent Friday night on a scout camp-out up at Schofield. They came back Sat. about noon. He must have had a really good time cause he sure was tired the rest of the weekend.

When Josh got back from his camp-out we went up to watch Nikki in her pageant, the Miss Jr. Teen Salt Lake City pageant. She was SO beautiful! It was a really long pageant (started at 4 pm and ended about 10 pm) but great to watch her be able to participate in something like that! I remember when I participated in mine (many moons ago). It all seems like a blur but it sure was fun! I'm glad she got to enjoy it. Something like that may only come around once in a lifetime. We spent Sat. night and most of Sunday at my mom & dad's. Sure love spending time with my family!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Josh in school

Well, it's been a couple of week since Josh started school and I guess he's liking it pretty good so far. He has yet to have any homework but I think that will be changing soon. He can't really go the whole year without homework can he? He was picked to be a library assistant so he got to drop one of his classes that he originally signed up for. Some days he's not done anything but make a couple of copies and read! Wish I had classes like that when I was in school! I was a bad mom this year and didn't get a picture of him on the first day. Shame, shame!

I have been busy trying to figure out what we do with all our money (not that we get a lot of it) since Marlin has been in Idaho and Montana. So, I spend all day at work looking at the computer and come home and look at the computer some more. Fun huh?

Going to cut this update short cuz I'm pretty tired and am having a hard time thinking straight right now.

More later!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well, Josh, Taylor (Josh's friend) & I tried to go to the demolition derby at the UT County Fair last night but apparently they were all sold out. I didn't realize you had to buy the tickets early. So, the young men rode rides instead and then we got fry bread for dinner. I know, fattening! Well, I've found out that there is a multi-year high school reunion going to be held in Page next June. So, it's back to my LA Weight Loss ways to lose the rest of the weight I need to lose. I'm back to needing to lose 20 lbs. I figure that's 2 lbs per month-knowing how I am, it's gonna take that long to get there, too. I'll be talking to my personal trainer tomorrow to let him that I'm really going to need his help in acheiving my goal. Wish me luck everyone!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dahlgren family reunion pictures

K. I don't know why but I can't post pictures and then add text to the post. The pictures disappear. The post above is all the pictures that I took on our vacation to Montana for the Dahlgren family reunion. ENJOY!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family reunion, transplant & school update

Well, well, well. Haven't been here in quite a while. Things have been pretty hectic recently.

First of all, we went to Trout Creek, Montana from 7/31-8/3 for Vicki's family reunion. What a blast !!! I REALLY didn't want to come back. It was so much fun being able to just sit and enjoy the company and do nothing! And the weather was just perfect and it was SO beautiful! I fell in love with the place. And everything there is Huckleberry--huckleberry jam, huckleberry honey, huckleberry ice cream, huckleberry pancakes & scones--get the picture? I did have 2 huckleberry shakes while we were there and loved them. They are just like blueberries but a little more tart. Anyway we sure had fun. Josh & I tried to be able to fly home (thanks for the efforts JoAnn & Roger) but Marlin ended up driving us home and then turning around and driving back up to go work on the cabin up there with Vicki's brothers. He's probably going to be there for 10-14 days and then he's going to Idaho with Lynn to help him build a deck for one of his friends.

School starts next Weds. Josh is SO not ready! I did manage to get him to go shopping for clothes and shoes and to get all the "essentials" such as paper, pens, pencils, backpack, etc. Now I just have to get him to get his clothes out of the bags and hanging in his closet and get his backpack and stuff all together. I still can't believe he's going into the 8th grade! He's now wearing size 10 shoes, weighs 114 lbs. and is almost as tall as I am.

The most recent update on my sister and her liver transplant--we've since learned that the U of U has never done a live donor liver transplant and want to have 3 surgeons there if they were going to attempt it. The head surgeon has told her that 1 of the other surgeons is sick and they don't know when he'll be returning; so he suggested to her that we plan on going to either a hospital in CO or to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. He told her that the transplant surgeon at the Mayo is one that he trained himself and felt that would be the best place to have it done. WHEW! So, there will be no more testing for either of us here as all of the tests have to be done wherever we decide to have the transplant done-Debbie is really leaning towards the Mayo. Anyway, it looks like the transplant won't be happening for a while down the road as there has to be some fundraising done and scheduling and other things. I thought it would have been good to know all of this before we got to this point but oh well.

I hope this post finds everyone doing well!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I can't believe it's almost school time! When I told Josh that I had gotten his registration for school in the mail and we needed to send a check so we could find out what classes he got, he said to me, "Aw, do we have to?" 8th grade here he comes! The summer has gone by SO fast! Before long, we'll all be shivering wishing it was summer again.

We spent the last weekend up at Rockport again. Different campground than last time-it was closer to the water. We had a really good time. Ty & Ashly brought Jaxson and Carter up for the day and Adam came up, too. So good to see them! Marlin took the kids ( Cody, Nikki, & Nikki's friend Chelsea) fishing Sat. morning and afternoon. In the morning Cody caught 3 fish and Chelsea caught1 fish. In the afternoon, Nikki caught 2 fish and Chelsea caught another one. They out-fished the adults this trip! They all went out again Sunday morning but came back empty handed. Marlin & Dad went back out after dropping the kids off and Marlin managed to catch 1 fish. We all had a really good time and the weather was perfect! I LOVE spending time with my family!

We are now getting ready to head up to Trout Creek, Montana! Vicki's family is having their reunion up there and since Marlin has been helping them build their cabin, they invited us to come up and join them. I'm really looking forward to going up there. I'm not sure what they have planned but I bet it'll be fun and I can't wait to see Lynn & Vicki again. It's been too long since I've seen them!

I have pictures to post from last weekend so I'll try to get them on here ASAP.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What have we been up to?

Well, I didn't realize it's been so long since I've updated! Sorry!

Last weekend was a pretty busy weekend for us. We went camping up by Park City at a place called Rockport. We had never been there before (although Marlin had been fishing there before) so it was quite nice to camp in a new place. Josh also had a swim meet so we had to drive from there down to AF Friday morning. That was quite the day! We left the park @ 5:45 and got back down to AF about 7. Then we had 1/2 an hour to kill before we had to be at the pool (I overestimated how long it would take us to get there). We spent that time in the AF Wal-Mart since there aren't that many things open that early in the morning. We really didn't feel like eating then so what else do you do? Anyway, the meet was OK for Josh. No state cuts yet but he keeps inching his way towards them. He has another meet this Sat. where he's hoping to get them. We'll just keep our fingers crossed and see what happens!

I was finally able to start the tests I need to do to find out if I'm a liver match for my sister. I got my blood typed last week and although I already know what type my blood is, they had me go to a "certified" lab. I don't know is next but I am glad we have finally been able to get the ball rolling. Only 11 more days & I will be at 90 days smoke-free! Some things are still really hard to get through but I've been able to remember what I'm doing all this for & it makes it worth the sacrifice.

Marlin is still working his butt off. He's been up to Idaho to help his brother on a bathroom remodel, is laying tile for someone over in Orem right now and is lined up to go back to Montana to work on the cabin that he's been helping do for the last couple of years. Busy, busy. Not only that but he had to take a day and celebrate his birthday yesterday. For his birthday dinner we went to Tepanyaki. We had never been there before either(boy we've had a lot of firsts recently!). They have pretty good food there and for those of you who have never been, it's cooked right in front of you. It was pretty cool to watch it all being done right there. Very filling, too. I felt like I was going to explode. Marlin's brother, Mike, made a strawberry cheesecake for Marlin, too. Hope he had a good day.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Josh had another swim meet Friday afternoon and Sat. He did really well, too. He just keeps inching closer and closer to state cuts. The next meet is on the 26th and I'm hoping he'll be able to get those cuts at that meet. He is really close on the 50 free, 100 back, 100 free and 200 free. All of them are within 15 seconds of being state cuts. The way he's been chopping the times down it's not a far stretch to think he could get them.

I just can't believe that school is over either! Josh made honor roll all year long! His final GPA was 3.58. He says that he's not an 8th grader yet. He says he's a "summerther" right now. LOL

I also can't believe I'm past the 45 day mark of smoke-free! I still have cravings now and then but not NEARLY as often as I did. I think the most times I crave them is still when I get in my truck or I'm on a long drive. I'm still having a hard time being tired during the day and of course the food issue is still giving me fits but I seem to have maintained my weight pretty well for the time being. Right now I'm just waiting for the day to come that Debbie's doctors call me and tell me when I can start all the testing for the liver transplant. She's been doing really well lately and I hope she can keep being as strong as she has been. I can't believe how strong she is! I only hope that if I am ever faced with something like she has been I can be as strong.

I really have to get back into going to the gym 3 times a week and back on my treadmill the other times. I need to get back on track with eating like I was taught at LA, too. I know that will help a lot. Even though they split on me like they did, I know the way they teach you to eat works for me & I need to do it like I did when I first started there (so long ago). I'm using the picture of the winner of the most recent Biggest Loser as my new inspiration. I figure that if a 48-yr.-old woman can get herself back into shape, so can I.

Marlin is back from Idaho for good-right now anyway. He's still planning on going back up to work on that cabin he's helped with the last couple of years but that won't be till the end of July. He's been busy doing little jobs for people but at least it's bringing some money in. He's been doing some fishing, too, which is always good for him. He took Josh & Desi out Friday morning and they came home with 11-Josh caught 5, Desi caught 4 and he caught 2. From what Josh said he spent most of his time baiting hooks and not enough time fishing. But they all had a good time. He also got out with my dad and Josh last Sat. They caught 5 then I think but Marlin lost one down the fish cleaning drain. So, we've been able to get our fish stock back up recently. Should have a nice fish fry on father's day. Right now he's up a Deer Creek with Brad and Aleca-he just can't get enough!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Lovin' It!

The weather I mean! I just wish I was able to do my job outside. Then life would be great!

Josh brought home 5 ribbons out of 6 events from the swim meet last weekend. He got a 9th, 10th, two 14th, and a 16th place. (Yep, they ribbon for lots of places). He's going on a scout camp-out tonight up to Strawberry and they are going to do a service project up there, too. He was "in charge" of getting it all set up (which is why I got to make the phone calls, etc). They are going to pick trash up at one of the day areas - I think they decided on "the Ladders".

Marlin is coming home today and staying until next Weds. I think. He's got a job here to do (yahoo). The job in Idaho is going well enough I guess that he can take the week to do this job then he's back up there to finish the other job up. I'm not sure when he's planning on going to the cabin to work on it but I know that's coming up pretty soon, too.

Oh, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms that I know out there that read my stories here. I hope you all have a great Mom's Day! I think we are going to have a bbq and enjoy each other's company and the weather.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Swimming update

Well, another weekend, another swim meet. We are in long course now and Josh swam in 6 events this weekend. He swam the 50 freestyle, 100 free, 100 back, 100 breast, 100 butterfly, and 200 free. He was able to knock 5 seconds off his 50 free, 11 seconds off his 100 free and 18 seconds off his 100 back! He is having to swim the longer distances now that he's in an older age bracket so he had to establish times in the other events he swam. But, we were able to have steak once again for dinner! (For those of you who don't know, each meet he is able to better his times in all of the events that he swims, we have steak for dinner). If he keeps this up, he will definitely have state cuts this course.

He's still looking for donations for his fund-raiser, too. We're only about 1/3 of the way to his goal this year so if anyone is looking to help, please let me know.

I had to get him some more tennis shoes and he's now wearing a size 9! I can't believe how big his feet are getting (maybe that's why he swims so good).

Today we celebrated my bro's birthday. He's 32 today! Can't believe that either! Gosh I'm getting old! He's been doing really good in school and should have his computer graphic degree really soon. Some of the stuff he's done is awesome!

I have some pictures that I need to get on the blog so as soon as I can, I'll get them there so keep you're eyes open.

Bye for now!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Just checking in I guess. Some things I didn't get in the other day.

On Monday I guit smoking! I'm going to try to find a clock that counts up so I know when I have my 90 days in. Why 90 days? Cuz that's when I am eligible to be a liver donor for Deb, my sis. Yep she needs a transplant. so, I'm doing everything I can to be that donor. I only hope that I'm a good match for her.

Oh, and my veggies are sprouting! Now I gotta figure out what to do with them so they keep on growing. Where to put them, hhhhmmmmmm?

I can't believe school's almost over! Where does all the time go? If I'm not careful, Josh will be graduating in a blink of my eye! Yikes!

Josh's swim team has their fund raiser going again. It's the one that he has to swim 200 lengths of the pool in 2 hours or less. He's trying to have enough donations that he can get a team backpack as a prize. So, we'll be trying our best to get him there.

Marlin's coming home tonight for about 4 days, too. Him & Lynn are putting a coat of mud on the drywall they hung and then he's hitting the road. He'll be home until Weds. morning and then back up to Idaho.

We're also having Jaxson & Carter's 1-year birthday party Sunday at our house. Can't believe they're already a year old! Gonna bar-b-q and have cake and ice cream, I guess.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So, the weather has been absolutely beautiful the last couple of days & I'm loving it! I am SO ready for summer! I even got some veggie seeds and planted them in a little interior greenhouse. Of course, I have NO idea where to put them once they sprout. Guess I'll cross that bridge IF they sprout.

I've also quit smoking! For those of you who don't know, my sis has to have a liver transplant so I'm the right blood type and a family member so that smoking thing was an obstacle I needed to get rid of. So, no-brainer right?

Anyway, we also started another Biggest Loser at work. Yes, I still have about 15-20 lbs. to lose. My goal is now to get there for the 4th of July. I'm still working with a personal trainer once a week but I really need to concentrate on my food and eating the way I was with LA. Hate to say it because of the way they really dropped the ball, but it worked when I worked it. So, starting tomorrow, it's back to eating the portions the way I was.

So, Marlin is still up in Idaho. He's coming home Saturday though! He has some doctor appointments to get taken care of so we get to enjoy him for 4 days!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


First of all, this is my first post! secoundly, YAY ITS SPRING VACATION!!!! NO school until monday! Dad went back to Idaho today so thats a bummer. But im ready for the rest of spring vacation!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BC State finish

OK, so here's how he finished. On Sat. he had 2 events--100 Freestyle and 100 Backstroke. He knocked 3 secs. off the free and 1 1/2 secs. off the back! All in all, it was a great meet for him! Now it's on to long course. I think the first meet for long course is on April 22 but nothing has been set in stone yet. More info and updates to come so keep checking back.

It looks like Marlin is off to work with Lynn doing some remodel in Idaho or Wyoming or somewhere up there for about 6 weeks. He's planning on leaving on April 6th. Yay for the work, boo for it being so far away. But I guess you have to go where the work is....

Friday, March 20, 2009

BC State meet-day 1

Well, it's State weekend for swimming. Josh is swimming in the BC State meet, which is like the junior state competition because he didn't have any state cuts. Of course, turning 13 right before state sure makes it hard to get state cuts. Josh was named as an alternate on a couple of the state relay teams so we had to be in Bountiful where the meet is being held Thursday night in case one of the team members didn't show up. Unfortunately, all the team members were there. So, today he had 3 official events that he swam: 200 freestyle, 50 freestyle and 100 breaststroke. He did most amazing on his 200 free - he knocked of 8.66 seconds and now is only 25 secs. off his state cut. That may seem like alot to most people but he could prabably knock that off in 2 meets. On his 50 free he actually added .73 seconds to his time but got a bad dive. On his 100 breaststroke he knocked off 2.64 seconds but got DQ'd cuz he didn't touch both hands on the wall at the end of one of his laps (refs can be so picky sometimes!) Still, personal bests on 2 out 3 events. Not a bad meet so far. Tomorrow he swims the 100 free and 100 back.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Josh's birthday plans

OMG! What a weekend we had! Friday night (2-27) Josh had a swim meet here in Provo from 4-9:30-ish and again we were back at the pool at 7 am. He swam until about 12:30. He got personal bests on 5 out of 7 events he swam. My little Olympian! Then it was go home and get ready for a birthday bash. You know, you only turn into a teenager once so you have to make it memorable! We didn't do the "usual" thing of going somewhere this year. Instead we had everyone come over for hamburgers, Johnsonville's and chips; with cake and ice cream of course. Then those kids that could (there were 10) stayed over and tried to get through the night without falling asleep. By the time midnight came around, there were only 3 left standing-Josh, his friend, Wade, and cousin, Scott. Then we had breakfast and they all played some more before everyone starting drifting back to their own homes. I asked Josh what time they finally all crashed and he said that it was probably about 3. I think everyone had a good time and I KNOW I'm still trying to recover.
I was hoping to have this posted long before now but I haven't had time to download my pix from the party.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

K, so I know I haven't been here in forever!!!! And I get mad at everyone else for not updating regularly.

Well, let's -- what's been happening? Josh has made it through the 2nd semester of school and we already have a countdown going of how many days of school are left. I think we're down around 70 days left. He just can't wait for school to be over. (Imagine that!)

Marlin hasn't been working that much. It seems like not too long ago he was wondering how he was going to get all the work done that he had and now all of those people have backed off . The economy (and the weather I think) have really slowed things down. I'm hoping that when, and if, the snow goes away people will start coming back to wanting their places done. He's also been sick for the last 3 weeks. So far, Josh & I haven't caught it yet (knock on wood). We both had a little scratchy throat but I started popping the zinc & vit C and got medicine into Josh and was able to ward it off. Hopefully neither one of us will get it.

Josh has had another swim meet but wasn't able to get any closer to having State cuts. There's 2 or 3 more meets that he might be able to get them at but time's running out fast! There's a chance that he'll be on the relay team even if he doesn't get any cuts though. That would be cool!

Well Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 New Year's Day party

Had a great time at our New Year's Day party! Everyone was able to come over and we played darts, had beef brisket & salmon and just had a good time in general! Hope eveyone else's day was just as good!

2008 Holiday Open meet-Kearns

OK, below this post is the latest swimming pix I took of Josh. He amazes me every time he gets in the water! You can't tell how well he's doing at practice but it sure shows at a meet! He is SO close to having some state cut times! It's just a matter of time now.