Saturday, August 14, 2010

Medical update

Marlin was having some trouble breathing and got winded pretty easily so Friday he went back up to the VA and had his lungs checked out. Come to find out he developed a blood clot the entire length of his left arm and a pulmonary embellism at the bottom of his lung (don't know which one). Anyway, so he's back in the hospital and will probably be there until Monday. The doctors are mostly concerned about the clot in his lung; they say the one in his arm is in a small artery and will just disintegrate on its own. I went up yesterday after work and spent some time with him and took him some dinner since he got admitted so late. While I was there, we were sitting by each other, holding hands and watching TV. Marlin let go of my hand and buzzed the nurse and when the nurse came in he commented that he was having a tingling sensation on the left side of his chest and up the left side of his face. The nurse asked him if he had gotten this sensation before and Marlin told him that he had but had associated it to his neck issues. The nurse stated that he wanted to give Marlin some nitro to see if that helped and got the EKG machine out. The nurse got an EKG reading and gave Marlin the nitro. A couple of minutes later Marlin said that the tingling had subsided and the nurse told him that he would give the readout to the doctor and have the doctor come in & talk to him. The doctor didn't come talk to him till this morning but told him that there was no evidence of a heart attack. Quite the scare! As far as we know, he is still on schedule to come home Monday.

1 comment:

Holly said...

prayers being sent... Hope Marlin gets better soon. We love you guys!